Learning Linux has just been simplified.


The Linux Crash Course series (now over 60 episodes long) goes over an important Linux command or topic in each episode. Unless otherwise noted, you can watch these in any order – and each video breaks every concept down into simple and easy to understand hands-on examples in order to help you learn.

Quickly Find Any File in Linux with the locate Command

As you become more experienced with Linux, finding important files when you need them can be a real nuisance. Thankfully, we have a handful of tools available to help us find things. In this episode of the Linux Crash Course series, we’ll explore one of those tools: The locate command.

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Also, be sure to check out Jay’s brand-new Ansible course, which has just launched!

How to use the hostname command (Linux Crash Course Series)

The Linux Crash Course series on Learn Linux TV will teach you a valuable Linux skill in each episode, and each of them can be watched in any order. Just simply watch the episodes that cover something you want to learn! In this episode, Jay covers the hostname command.

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5 Common Mistakes New Linux Users Often Make

If you’re new to learning Linux, there’s a few pitfalls that you may run into. In this video, Jay goes over five common pitfalls new Linux users often encounter, and will also give you some expert tips to help you along your journey.

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Linux Process Management Made Easy: Understanding nice and renice

The Linux Crash Course series here on Learn Linux TV teaches you a valuable Linux-related skill in each and every video. You can watch most episodes in any order, and with over 60 entries in this series (and counting) there’s no shortage of Linux Learning! In this episode, Jay will teach you some of the basics of tuning Linux processes with the nice and renice commands.

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Thanks to Akamai for sponsoring this video! Support Learn Linux TV by spinning up your very own Linux server on their awesome cloud platform!

Understanding Variables on the Linux Command-Line

The Linux Crash Course series here on Learn Linux TV teaches you a valuable Linux-related skill in each and every video. You can watch most episodes in any order, and with over 60 entries in this series (and counting) there’s no shortage of Linux Learning! In this episode, Jay will teach you all about shell variables.

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Thanks to Akamai for sponsoring this video! Support Learn Linux TV by spinning up your very own Linux server on their awesome cloud platform!

What’s the deal with Flatpak? (Linux Crash Course Series)

Linux software packaging has seen some interesting changes lately, especially with the rise of the “universal package”. Flatpak, one of the leading forms of the prominent universal package types has seen some confusion (and sometimes controversy) but in this video, Jay will explain the concept and show you how to manage Flatpaks with the flatpak command.

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Thanks to Akamai for sponsoring this video! Check out Akamai’s connected cloud to support Learn Linux TV and get yourself set up with some Linux servers!

The Linux Crash Course – What are “snap” Packages?

Linux packaging has no shortage of controversy, and snap packages are no exception to that. But why are snap packages so controversial? What do they give us that standard packages don’t? In this video, Jay goes over the basics of snap packages.

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Thanks to Akamai for sponsoring this video! Check out Akamai’s connected cloud to launch your own Linux server with $100 in starter credit!

Video-specific Links

How to Use the rsync Command to Transfer Files (Linux Crash Course Series)

The rsync command is kind of like a “swiss army knife” of file transfer utilities. With a wealth of options available, it’s easily one of the best methods of moving files around. In this video, Jay goes over the finer points of the rsync command, with an emphasis on the most important options you should know for day-to-day usage.

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Thanks to Akamai for sponsoring today’s video! Check out their connected cloud platform for your own awesome Linux server!


Brand-New Course

Check out Jay’s new course on Ansible and start automating today!

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