Linux Crash Course – The grep Command

The grep command – one of the most popular Linux commands, and definitely deserving of a feature video in the Linux Essentials series. In this video, Jay goes over the basics of the grep command, along with some useful examples.

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Colorized Output in grep

If you’re at all curious why grep in my video shows colorized output, you can achieve the same by adding the following to your .bashrc file:

alias grep='grep --color=auto'

characters.txt (Example file for practicing grep)

Name: Alan Grant    Occupation: Paleontologist   Species: Human
Name: Batman        Occupation: Vigilante        Species: Human
Name: Dalek         Occupation: Dalek            Species: Dalek
Name: Doctor        Occupation: Time Traveler    Species: Time Lord
Name: Donatello     Occupation: Ninja            Species: Mutant Turtle
Name: Kefka         Occupation: Court Mage       Species: Human
Name: Kirby         Occupation: Cute Pink Puff   Species: Kirby
Name: Leonardo      Occupation: Ninja            Species: Mutant Turtle
Name: Michelangelo  Occupation: Ninja            Species: Mutant Turtle
Name: Raphael       Occupation: Ninja            Species: Mutant Turtle
Name: Riddler       Occupation: Super Villian    Species: Human
Name: Samus         Occupation: Bounty Hunger    Species: Human
Name: Terra         Occupation: Hero             Species: Esper

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