Enterprise Linux Security Episode 94 – regreSSHion

In this episode, Jay and Joao will discuss the recent regreSSHion vulnerability, which claims to be a path to root – although it might take a while. Also, recent developments with Teamviewer are also discussed.

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Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Quickly Find Any File in Linux with the locate Command

As you become more experienced with Linux, finding important files when you need them can be a real nuisance. Thankfully, we have a handful of tools available to help us find things. In this episode of the Linux Crash Course series, we’ll explore one of those tools: The locate command.

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Also, be sure to check out Jay’s brand-new Ansible course, which has just launched!

Enterprise Linux Security Episode 93 – Ticketmaster’s Weakest Link

In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss the recent breach suffered by Ticketmaster. Also, several new or updated news stories will be discussed.

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Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 92 – Server Not Found

What would you do if your organization’s cloud servers were deleted? That’s exactly what happened to a Singaporean company, which found their servers wiped by a disgruntled employee. Plus, the FBI distributes over 7,000 unlock keys, and Europol launches their biggest botnet operation yet.

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Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Easy Portainer Setup: Run Your First Docker Container!

Running and managing containers on Linux may sound like a daunting task, and to be fair, it can be. For those of you that want to run containers and do so on a platform that’s easy to get started with, then look no further than Portainer! In this video Jay goes over the process of setting it up on Ubuntu 24.04 and running your first container.

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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 91 – The Shared Responsibility Model

In the last episode, we discussed a story where a company literally lost their cloud – at no fault of their own. But what is truly your responsibility when working with a cloud provider? What is their responsibility? In this episode, Jay and Joao discuss where the line is drawn between you and your cloud provider.

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Thanks to TuxCare for sponsoring the Enterprise Linux Security podcast. Check out their awesome services to see how they can simplify Linux administration!

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Complete Walkthrough for Installing Nextcloud on Ubuntu 24.04

It’s time to install Nextcloud! Nextcloud is the best platform for building your very own self-hosted collaboration platform, complete with features such as online document editing, file synchronization, calendar, contacts, and countless plugins. In this video, you’ll be walked through the entire process, and by the end you’ll have your very own Nextcloud server that’s completely set up and ready for action by the end.

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Note: This is the same process as the previous video, but updated for Ubuntu 24.04.


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