Want to help LearnLinuxTV?

Hello everyone! I wanted to take a moment and create a quick post to see if anyone is interested in helping out the channel. I have a number of you helping out on Patreon, and that’s awesome, I really appreciate it! But there’s also some non-monetary assistance that could help out too, so if you want to give back and you don’t have the budget to justify becoming a Patron, there’s some additional ways that you might consider as well. Read on to find out about some additional ways you can potentially help out.

So, before I mention everything I need help with, there’s a few guidelines I want to mention.

  • There’s no agreement, you can help out for as long as you want, and stop at any time.
  • If you do have to withdraw from a volunteer slot, all I ask is that you let me know. No judgment.
  • Since video production is time consuming and expensive right now, there is no monetary benefit for volunteering. This may change in the future, but until further notice, there’s no payout.
  • Any information you obtain about internal projects and upcoming topics is confidential. I doubt anyone really cares, but I have to make it clear that the info you may have access to is private.

With that said, here are the following things I am looking for (in no particular order):

Audio help

I’m looking for a single person to listen to vocal recording samples and recommend tweaks and adjustments. Preferably, someone that is familiar with the DBX 286s and the AT4053B microphone. Although the audio isn’t bad, I don’t feel that it is tuned the best it can be.

Help with migrating the Wiki

The Wiki is going to be moving to this main site, so that there’s one place to watch videos and also view a list of commands. This will include converting older wiki format articles, to WordPress articles. I’m hoping to ditch WordPress in the future, but that’s totally not possible right now. But for this item, articles in the official wiki would need to be converted to WordPress posts and backdated somehow.

Documentation assistance

Currently, the Wiki for the channel is in a transition state, but any assistance with documentation would be awesome. You can choose to write documentation for videos that don’t already have an article, or submit corrections for existing articles. All articles are subject to approval and additional editing.

Beta testers

The idea of a beta testing for the channel, is that a small group of people (up to 6) will be chosen to gain early access to content (even earlier than on Patreon) in exchange for letting me know about quirks or potential corrections in the video, before it goes out to the world. I’ll provide beta testers with a secret link to a beta video, and then you’ll be able to work through the content and test it out. If you find an issue, you can mention it in a special Discord or Discourse room that will be limited to beta testers.

At least two people have requested this already, so a few more should be enough.


I’m looking for admins to help “patrol” the Discord channel, forums, as well as the Facebook group. These individuals will remove topics (and perhaps people) that break the rules.


I’m also looking for people to help spread the content and increase its reach. There’s nothing specific for this, just anything that can be edited to increase the view count and help the content reach the appropriate people that want to see it. Some videos seem to get buried, and many people don’t know they exist. This isn’t for the purposes of domination, but just to ensure that the content is performing as it should naturally.

We need to be careful with this one, though – nothing shady, no fake accounts, and absolutely no SEO edits that go against Google’s terms of service. This isn’t about gaming the system. It’s about making sure the right decisions are made, the videos end up in the right places, and people actually see it. Some videos have gone almost completely unseen due to mistakes I’ve made. So clearly, I’m not good at doing this by myself.

That’s all for now! I may come up with more ideas later. I’m looking forward to coming up with more Linux server tasks that can be considered for people that want to learn, but that won’t be ready for a while.

Thanks for looking! To apply, please create an account in the forums, and send me a private message. Please do not respond directly to this post to request to join. I can’t guarantee that I’ll reply to everyone, and sometimes it may take me a day to respond or perhaps even a full week.

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