CrowdSec is a cutting-edge security solution for your Linux servers. As an intrusion prevention system, its goal is to stop unauthorized access and prevent attacks. But unlike other IPS solutions, it does it a different way – by using knowledge as power. CrowdSec was covered on this channel before, but in this video, you’ll see an updated look complete with an overview of how to set up protection for WordPress as well.
Enterprise Linux Security Episode 8 – Trojan Source, & CISA’s Directive
Recently, some interesting security news has occurred, and two specific developments are the main discussion in this episode. Trojan Source is a newly discovered tactic that can be used to hide malicious code and execute something completely unexpected, even when the source code appears to be syntactically correct. In addition, CISA recently mandated a large number of CVE’s to be patched in the very near future, which will likely have ramifications even outside of the United States. Also, Jay and Joao also discuss the recently released Fedora 35, which is a distribution that has a large presence on the workstations that administrators use.
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Enterprise Linux Security Episode 7 – ELevate
Remaining on legacy Linux distributions can lead to additional security risks as time goes on, and migrating to a newer and better supported distribution can be a very difficult endeavor for most administrators. In this episode, Jay and Joao are joined by Jack from AlmaLinux, and we talk about ELevate – a tool that can be used to migrate from a distribution in the Enterprise Linux family to another Enterprise Linux distribution. This helps alleviate some of the burden of distro migration, and as a community project it’s also a great project to get started with contributing to an open-source project.
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