SCaLE 19x was so much fun! In the second video in a series that will cover this year’s event, I’ll play back conversations I’ve had with three really awesome people: Monica Ayhens-Madon (Community Representative at Canonical), Tim Wilkinson (Technologist and Contributor for AREDN), and Adam Balla (Content Producer for System76). These individuals are very passionate about their projects, and the conversations we had were a lot of fun. Check it out! (And there’s definitely more to come).
MAAS (Metal as a Service) gives you the ability to provision physical and virtual servers via an easy to use web console. You can use MAAS to deploy Ubuntu with ease, and it even supports PXE boot in order to provide you with a full deployment solution. In this video, you’ll get an overview of MAAS and how to set it up.
Landscape is a tool made by Canonical that you can use to manage your Ubuntu Servers. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through getting it set up on your own server, as well as adding a client for it to manage. It’s an awesome utility, and easy to install.
Multipass is an awesome utility that allows you to quickly create Ubuntu virtual machine instances for testing. In this video, I show how to install and use it.