Building a Raspberry-Pi Storage Server with OpenMediaVault

This video is the first of several low-energy server ideas I’ll be showing off. This time around, we explore the setup of a storage server, but on a Raspberry Pi. This will greatly decrease power-usage. OpenMediaVault will be installed on the Raspberry Pi, and you’ll see the entire process in this video.

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Site Redesign in Progress

I just wanted to let everyone know that a site redesign is in progress. It’s not going to look extremely different, and some may not notice any difference at all. I’m just adding small improvements and changes, so nothing Earth-shattering. The biggest change is that there is a different menu structure, that makes it easy to get back to the content. More smaller and incremental changes are incoming, so pardon any dust.

Getting Started with tmux Part 2 – Horizontal and Vertical Panes

Welcome to my brand-new refreshed tmux series! tmux enables to to greatly enhance your terminal workflow and efficiency. In the second video, I show off the process of splitting your terminal window into multiple panes (splits) so you can multitask and have multiple things running concurrently in the same window.

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