The Homelab Show Episode 80 – The “Automation” Mindset

As most of us homelabbers are aware by now, automation is a very good thing – repeating (and sometimes tedious) tasks can be automated, allowing us to focus on things that are better uses of our time. But Automation itself seems to have its own mindset, especially when it comes to how you go about approaching some of the challenges. In this episode, Jay and Tom discuss the Automation Mindset.

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Linux Crash Course Series – How to Share Files via SSHFS

While technologies such as Samba and NFS are very effective when you want to share files with other users, those solutions may not be best for those with simpler file sharing needs. In this video, sshfs is covered, which is a fuse-based solution that enables you to quickly share directories on your network.

Note: sshfs no longer has a maintainer, so don’t use this solution for confidential or proprietary files. Check out the repository and consider volunteering to maintain this awesome solution.

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Thanks to Linode for sponsoring this video. Support LearnLinuxTV by setting up your very own Linux server on their awesome cloud platform!

Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 17 – Backup Script

Backups – the most critical function of computing that virtually everyone ignores until they learn the hard way that they should’ve taken it more seriously. Don’t be that kind of person! You really should start taking backups seriously – so why not check out episode 17 of LearnLinuxTV’s Bash Scripting guide and learn how to back up files using a Bash Script? In fact, this is a fun video that you won’t want to miss.

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Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 16 – Arguments

There’s WAY too much arguing in the Linux community. Things like Systemd and whether it should be adopted, which desktop environment you should use, or which text editor is the best (the answer is clearly vim). But rather than argue over those things, why not learn how to supply arguments to your bash scripts? It’ll definitely be more worthwhile than obsessing over whatever Linux-related argument is currently being fussed about over on Reddit. So in this video, you’ll learn how to set up arguments in Bash scripts as well as some other fun concepts you should know.

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Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 15 – Scheduling Jobs (Part 2)

In the previous episode, you learned about the “at” command, which enables you to schedule a script to run later. In this video, we’ll take a look at the same thing again – but it’s not redundant. Actually, we’ll learn more about Cron in this video, which is the tried and true method that Linux people use to handle scheduling jobs to run at a specific time in the future.

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Bash Scripting on Linux (The Complete Guide) Class 14 – Scheduling Jobs (Part 1)

No matter how long you work in the IT field, waking up in the middle of the night to manually perform some sort of task is something that absolutely no one gets used to. And with good reason, it’s much better to schedule jobs rather than run them manually. In this video, we’ll learn about the “at” command which will help you set up a task to kick off at some point in the future.

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