Houston Command Center – Installation, Interface Overview, and Beginners Guide

Houston Command Center by 45Drives is a Linux management console that enables you to perform routine tasks on your server through your favorite web browser. In this video, Jay will provide a full getting started guide for beginners that will include an interface overview, installation instructions, and more!

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Commands used in this Video

Installing Updates

sudo dnf update

Installing Cockpit

sudo dnf install cockpit

Check the status of cockpit

systemctl status cockpit

Enable the Cockpit socket

sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket

Set SELinux to Permissive

Note: Learn Linux TV does not condone disabling security measures on any operating system, but this step is only included per 45Drives instructions.

sed -i 's/^\(SELINUX=\).*$/\1permissive/' /etc/selinux/config && setenforce 0

Install Houston

dnf install -y cockpit cockpit-pcp cockpit-zfs-manager cockpit-benchmark cockpit-navigator cockpit-file-sharing cockpit-45drives-hardware cockpit-machines cockpit-sosreport

Install support for ZFS

dnf install https://zfsonlinux.org/epel/zfs-release-2-3$(rpm --eval "%{dist}").noarch.rpm

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